These rainboots...I love them, let me just say. They are bright pink and have Eiffel towers, mopeds, and little French poodles on them. Not necessarily the most subdued boot, definitely not work-appropriate for when I am an Instructional Assistant, but I very much enjoy them. Plus, they make jumping in puddles that much more fun!
Well, I did it--I got rid of several items of clothing Mr.P loves that I hate. I was supported by everyone else in our living room (a variety of roommates and friends) and Mr.P was very grumpy, lol.
Shirt: Banana Republic via Goodwill Outlet
Skirt: Self-made
Leggings: Underarmor, amaaazing!
Boots: Gift
Scarf: Gift
Goal Count Up:
Exercise: I have to come clean. Didn't end up jumping rope yesterday. My room is so messy with all the imminent packing that there is no room to jumprope, and I'm too self conscious to jumprope in the common room. Normally, I try not to be so self-conscious that it stops me from doing things, but honestly? If you were trying to do something and attracted a crowd of various people (friends and acquaintances) who live in or around your apartment, who then stare at you weirdly, ask what you are doing (umm...obvious much?) and make fun of you, then you probably would be somewhat deterred as well.
Vitamins: Yup. At least I have that!
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